Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering
March 24–26, 2017. Gopeshwar, Uttrakhand, India
Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 10
ISSN 2300-5963
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering
ISBN 978-83-65750-05-1 (Web),
978-83-65750-06-8 (USB)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/978-83-65750-05-1
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Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering
AERSCIEA: An Efficient and Robust Satellite Color Image Enhancement Approach
53 Dibya Jyoti Bora, pages 3 – 13. Show abstract -
Optimal design of 2-Bit Optical Magnitude Comparator using electro-optic effect inside Mach-Zehnder interferometers
93 Lithium-niobate, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, Beam propagation method Kuldeep Choudhary, Santosh Kumar, pages 15 – 20. Show abstract -
Passenger Abnormal Behaviour Detection using Machine Learning Approach
113 Path detection, Anomaly Detection, Trajectories, Clustering Sonal Dabral, Amit Agarwal, Sachin Kumar, Bhaskar Gautam, pages 21 – 25. Show abstract -
Content Accessibility Evaluation of Government Website using WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
79 WCAG; Compliance; Website Accessibility Swikruti Dongaonkar, Ramkrishna Vadali, Chandrakant Dhutadmal, pages 27 – 31. Show abstract -
A review of NoSQL Databases and Performance Testing of Cassandra over single and multiple nodes
65 NoSQL; Cassandra; performance testing Sanket Ghule, Ramkrishna Vadali, pages 33 – 38. Show abstract -
Analysis of TCP streaming over VANETs
107 TCP; streaming; VANETs; NetLogo; NS2 Anzola John, Andrés Jiménez, Jordán Pascual Espada, Vijay Bhasker Semwal, Vishwanath Bijalwan, pages 39 – 43. Show abstract -
A Wide Band Speech Coding Technique using Low Delay Code Excited Linear Predictive Algorithm (LD-CELP)
03 Speech coding, CELP, LD-CELP, Perceptual weighted filter Swati Joshi, Hemant Purohit, pages 45 – 48. Show abstract -
Realization of Colpitts Oscillator using second generation current controlled current conveyor
02 Inductor-less tunable, Colpitts oscillator, active inductor, CCCII Manoj Joshi, Vivek Bhatt, Ashish Ranjan, Pramod Benjwal, pages 49 – 52. Show abstract -
A Conjoint Analysis of Road Accident Data using K-modes Clustering and Bayesian Networks (Road Accident Analysis using clustering and classification)
44 Clustering; Road Safety; Bayesian Network; Accident Analysis Sachin Kumar, Vijay Bhasker Semwal, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Prayag Tiwari, Denis Kalitin, pages 53 – 56. Show abstract -
Bilrost: Connecting the Internet of Things through human Social Networks with a Domain-Specific Language
110 Internet of Things; Smart Objects; Model-Driven Engineering; Domain-Specific Language; Social Networks Daniel Meana-Llorián, Cristian González García, Jordán Pascual Espada, Manju Khari, Vijay Bhaskar Semwal, pages 57 – 61. Show abstract -
Comparative Study of Tachyarrhythmia ECG and Normal ECG
62 ECG, Tachyarrhythmia, Wavelet transform, Hypothesis test, MITBIH. Ashish Nainwal, Yatindra Kumar, Bhola Jha, pages 63 – 65. Show abstract -
Privacy and Security of User’s Sensitive Data: A Viable Analysis
45 Big Data, Security & privacy, User’s Sensitive Data, Data Anonymization, Confidentiality J. S. Rauthan, Kunwar Singh Vaisla, pages 67 – 71. Show abstract -
Dictionary Based Intra Prediction for Image Compression
17 Sparse coding; Matching Pursuit; Orthogonal matching pursuit; K-SVD Arabinda Sahoo, Pranati Das, pages 73 – 76. Show abstract -
An Intrinsic Study on Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
25 MANET, Routing Protocols, DSDV, AODV, NCPR, ZRP, Performance Metrics A. Sangeetha, T. Rajendran, pages 77 – 82. Show abstract -
Simulation & Performance Comparison between DSR, FSR & HSR Routing Protocols in MANET Using NS2
91 Mobile ad-hoc network, DSR, FSR, & HSR routing protocol Kuber Singh, R. K. Singh, Sanjeev Singh Bisht, Monika Bartwal, pages 83 – 88. Show abstract -
Authentication scheme using novel chaff generation method in fuzzy vault
55 Key management, cryptographic system, Bio-cryptology, fuzzy vault, chaff generation Mahatim Singh, Rabi Shaw, Arpita Sarkar, Binod Kumar Singh, pages 89 – 92. Show abstract -
A Framework on botnet detection and forensics
28 Bots, Botnet, Botnet detection, Forensics, Malware Harvinder Singh, Anchit Bijalwan, pages 93 – 101. Show abstract -
Plant Disease Detection Using Different Algorithms
24 Plant Disease, Image processing, Threshold algorithm, K-means cluster, Artificial neural network Trimi Neha Tete, Sushma Kamlu, pages 103 – 106. Show abstract -
Analysis of SQL Injection Using DVWA Tool
66 DVWA tool; SQL Injection; vulnerabilities Gajanan Shinde, Sandhya S. Waghere pages 107 – 110. Show abstract -
RSSI Algorithm Based Interference Reduction Technique for LTE Networks
109 Shahegul Ansari, Veena Gulhane, pages 111 – 115. Show abstract -
An Overview on Thermal Image Processing
111 Thermal Image; Banana Fruit; Neural Network; Feature Extraction; Segmentation Sheeba Ansari, Suresh Salankar, pages 117 – 120. Show abstract -
A Survey on Mac Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
26 WSN, MAC Protocols, Throughput, Efficiency, Stability, Fairness, Low Access Delay, Low Transmission Delay, Low Overhead, Surve R. Anubhama, T. Rajendran, pages 121 – 126. Show abstract -
Lossless and Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Public Key Cryptography
88 chaotic S-block, reversible data hiding, Lossless data hiding, encryption, cryptography, SSI, BSSI Monika Bartwal, Rajendra Bharti, pages 127 – 134. Show abstract -
Metadata based Text Mining for Generation of Side Information
86 Text Mining; Metadata; Text Mining; Side Information; Natural Language Processing; Classical Partitioning; Clustering Shraddha S. Bhanuse, Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur, Akshay S. Patharkar, pages 135 – 141. Show abstract -
OTRA Based Second Order Universal Filter and its optimization like Butterworth, Chebyshev and Bessel
01 Operational Transresistance Amplifiers (OTRA), Second Order Universal Filter, Butterworth, Chebyshev and Bessel Filter Vivek Bhatt, Pramod Benjwal, Manoj Joshi, pages 143 – 150. Show abstract -
Comparative Study of Vector Control of Induction Motor by Using PI Controller and Fuzzy Controller
11 component; Induction motor, vector control, mathematic modeling, Fuzzy logic controller Kailash Chandra, Prashant Kushwaha, Sachin Sati, pages 151 – 155. Show abstract -
Nature Inspired Techniques for Interference Management in Femtocells: A Survey
115 Femtocell, Interference Management, Bat Algorithm, Differential Evolution Shradha Deshmukh, Mangala Madankar, pages 157 – 160. Show abstract -
An approach for smart parking system based on cloud using IoT
80 Cloud; Internet of Things; MQTT; Raspberry pi; Parking Swapna S. Deshpande, Renuka S. Gound, pages 161 – 163. Show abstract -
Four Dimensional Security and Vulnerability Matrix for Cloud (4-SVM)
41 Alpha Reliability, Cloud ERP, Distributed DOS, ICC,ROTA,SLA Sharmistha Dey, Santanu Kumar Sen, pages 165 – 169. Show abstract -
Designing Graceful Degradation in Software Systems
15 Graceful Degradation, Performance Engineering, Fault tolerannt system Design, System Dependability, Graceful Degradation Design Rohit Dhall, pages 171 – 179. Show abstract -
Hurdles For Designing Flowcharting Process
31 Text to flowchart conversion, Computer Based Teaching (CBT), keyword extraction, teaching aids, Natural Language Processing (NLP) Aparitosh Gahankari, Urmila Shrawankar, pages 181 – 186. Show abstract -
Evaluation of Apriori Algorithm on Retail Market Transactional Database to get Frequent Itemsets
83 Frequent itemsets; Association Rule Mining; Frequent pattern mining; Apriori; FP-growth Pooja R. Gaikwad, Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur, Akshay S. Patharkar, pages 187 – 192. Show abstract -
Survey on Time Efficient Data Gathering Approach for Wireless Sensor Network
108 mobile sink, sleep/awake scheduling, periodic sleep time, random sleep time, delay constraint Neha Gaydhane, Archana Raut, pages 193 – 196. Show abstract -
Analysis of Datamining Technique for Traffic Accident Severity Problem: A Review
121 Data Mining, Cluster Analysis and Algorithms, Naive Bayes Classifiers, Hybrid Decision Tree, Association Rule Mining Meenu Gupta, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Vijay Kumar Singh, pages 197 – 199. Show abstract -
Evaluation of multilingual websites using localization matrix
122 Localization; Information Retrieval; Translation; Multilingual website Sarika Katkade, Jayashree Katti, Chandrakant Dhutadmal, pages 201 – 205. Show abstract -
Performance Enhancement Heterogeneous Based EECP for Bandwidth Utilization
89 Heterogeneity EECP, RCM, Delay, congestion rate, throughput and channel capacity etc Gagandeep Kaur, Vinod Kumar Mishra, pages 207 – 215. Show abstract -
An Overview of Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Vector Estimation
85 Motion Estimation; Compression; Redundancies; Block Matching Algorithm; Inter-frame; Motion Vectors Sonam T. Khawase, Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur, Akshay S. Patharkar, pages 217 – 222. Show abstract -
Approaches used in efficient migration from Relational Database to NoSQL Database
76 Relational database, MySQL, SQL server, Oracle, NoSQL, Migration Arati Koli, Swati Shinde, pages 223 – 227. Show abstract -
Application of MADM Methods for Selecting the Best Private Institution for Professional Courses in Uttarakhand State, India
123 MADM Methods, AHP, Institute Selection Sanjeev Kumar, Rakesh P. Badoni, P. J. Mohan, pages 229 – 233. Show abstract -
To study of various security attacks against Biometric template in a generic Biometric Recognition System
57 Biometric Recognition System, Biometric Sensor, Biometric system vulnerability Manish Kumar, Kunwar Singh Vaisla, pages 235 – 240. Show abstract -
Cardiac arrhythmia detection in ECG signals by feature Extraction and support vector machine
63 Gorav Kumar Malik, Yatindra Kumar, Manoj Panda, pages 241 – 244. Show abstract -
A Review Paper on Cloud Computing and Its Security Concerns
70 Cloud, network, virtual, economical computing, effectiveness, pay-per-use Steven Mathew, Sarita Gulia, Varinder Singh, Vivek Dev, pages 245 – 250. Show abstract -
Comparative Analysis of Angle Based and Traditional Routing Protocols for MANETs / WSNs
90 Angle based protocol; RREQ; WSNs Saurabh Mishra, Sandip Vijay, pages 251 – 254. Show abstract -
Impulsive Noise Cancellation from Cardiac Signal using Modified WLMS Algorithm
19 Impulsive noise; ECG; Adaptive Algorithm; LMS; NLMS; WLMS; MA-WLMS Mihir Narayan Mohanty, Sarthak Panda, pages 255 – 260. Show abstract -
A Comparative study on Cryptographic Image Scrambling
47 Arnold’s map, cryptography, Fibonacci series, gray code, scrambling Bhaskar Mondal, Neel Biswas, Tarni Mandal, pages 261 – 268. Show abstract -
MLPNN and kNN Based Classification of sEMG Signal for Myoelectric Control of Upper Limb Prosthesis
96 sEMG; MLPNN; kNN; upper limb prosthesis Sachin Negi, Yatindra Kumar, V. M. Mishra, pages 269 – 272. Show abstract -
Overview: Human-Computer Interaction an Globally Used Technique in Society
69 Indian sign Language (ISL), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Graphical user Interface (GUI) Manchanda Nidhi, Sarita, Sanatan Jha, Saurabh Mukherjee, pages 273 – 277. Show abstract -
Password Security Mechanisms: Comparitive Study
67 Honeywords; Jumbling; Salting; Capcha; Hashing Vasundhara R. Pagar, Rohini G. Pise, pages 279 – 282. Show abstract -
Emotion Analysis from Speech of Different Age Groups
21 Emotion Analysis; feature extraction; clustering algorithm; Fundamental frequency, speech rate Hemanta Kumar Palo, Mihir Narayan Mohanty, Mahesh Chandra, pages 283 – 287. Show abstract -
An AI Approach to Locate Cluster Centre in Wireless Sensor Networks
58 WSN; energy consumption; cluster based routing protocol; CH selection Sandhya R, Nallasamy Sengottaiyan, pages 289 – 292. Show abstract -
Application of Variational Mode Decomposition on Speech Enhancement
27 Variational Mode Decomposition; Empirical Mode Decomposition; Intrinsic Mode Functions; Speech Enhancement Rashmirekha Ram, Sabyasachi Patra, Mihir Narayan Mohanty, pages 293 – 296. Show abstract -
Process of finding defects in software testing
18 defects; software testing; bugs; request for enhancement. Arti Rana, Arvind Singh Rawat, Anchit Bijalwan, pages 297 – 300. Show abstract -
Design of Z-Shape Compact Antenna for Next Generation Wireless Network
20 Next generation Network, Micro strip antenna, dual band antenna, broadband antenna, wireless communication Swarnaprava Sahoo, Mihir Narayan Mohanty, Rabindra Kumar Mishra, pages 301 – 304. Show abstract -
Short-Term Variable—Head Hydrothermal Generation Scheduling for Heuristic Search Method
94 Variable Head Hydro-thermal generation system, Heuristic search method and maximum iterations Ombeer Saini, pages 305 – 311. Show abstract -
Overview of Object Detection and Tracking based on Block Matching Techniques
84 Object Tracking; Object Detection; Background Subtraction; Block Matching Apurva S. Samdurkar, Shailesh D. Kamble, Nileshsingh V. Thakur, Akshay S. Patharkar, pages 313 – 319. Show abstract -
Design of Diagnosis and Monitoring System of Heart Related Diseases using Fuzzy Inference System
22 Multi Agent System, Fuzzy Inference System, Diagnosis, Fuzzy Rule Base Lokanath Sarangi, Mihir Narayan Mohanty, Srikanta Pattnaik, pages 321 – 327. Show abstract -
Analysis of Saturated Synchronous Machine considering d-q Axis Coupling Reactance
60 Synchronous Machines, Turbine Generators, Saturated Synchronous Machines, Saturated Synchronous, Reactances, Cross-Magnetizing Phenomenon Bharat Singh, Aswani Kumar Chandel, Arvind Kumar, pages 329 – 334. Show abstract -
Symmetric Key Encryption With Many Secret Keys
48 Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, Information security, secret keys, block cipher. Vijaya Kumar Sudeva, pages 335 – 339. Show abstract -
Smart City: IOT Based Prototype for Parking Monitoring and Management System Commanded by Mobile App
23 Parking monitoring, Parking reservation, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Mobile App Durga Devi TJB, A. Subramani, Vijender Kumar Solanki, pages 341 – 343. Show abstract -
Object Motion estimation using edge detection and background subtraction with block matching algorithm
71 edge detection, block matching, filtering, Thresholding Shardul Thapliyal, Yogendra Pratap Pundir, Arun Shekhar Bahuguna, Sunil Semwal, pages 345 – 348. Show abstract -
A Review of Educational Data Mining in Higher Education System
87 Educational Data Mining (EDM), Classification, Data Mining, Prediction Thangamuthu Thilagaraj, Nallasamy Sengottaiyan, pages 349 – 358. Show abstract -
OFS Technique with DE Algorithm based on Correlation and Clustering method along with its Application
8 Online Feature Selection (OFS), Differential Evolutionry Algorithm (DE) Online Learning, Large-scale Dataset, Data Mining, Classification, Correlation, Clustering Method P R Vhansure, A A Phatak, A S Shimpi, pages 359 – 364. Show abstract
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