Process of finding defects in software testing
Arti Rana, Arvind Singh Rawat, Anchit Bijalwan
Citation: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Vijay Bhasker Semwal, Rubén González Crespo, Vishwanath Bijalwan (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 10, pages 297–300 (2017)
Abstract. Software testing is the most significant stage of the Software Development Life Cycle. Projects underneath testing goes through different stages such as test analysis, test planning, test case, test case review process, test execution process, requirement traceability matrix (RTM), defect tracking (bug logging and tracking), test execution report and closure. In terms of software, defects means whenever expected results not meet actual results. Generally defect is known as a bug. It talks about the complete life cycle of a bug right from the stage it was found, fixed, re-test, and close.This paper basically deals with entire process of bug life cycle and how to avoid the bug. To avoid the bug, Test Engineer should prepare the bug report template which consists of various steps.
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