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Polish Information Processing Society

Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 10

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering

A Comparative study on Cryptographic Image Scrambling

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/2017R47

Citation: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Vijay Bhasker Semwal, Rubén González Crespo, Vishwanath Bijalwan (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 10, pages 261268 ()

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Abstract. In the last few decades, a numerous numberof image encryption algorithm has been proposed based onscrambling. Scrambling is the most crucial part of confusion-diffusion based encryption techniques. In the current scenario,the scrambling techniques are used without knowing the cryp-tographic effect, quality and computational complexity. Hence,an comparative study on scrambling techniques (permutation) isrequired. In this paper, a comparative study has been done ondifferent scrambling techniques like matrix transformation, bitplane scrambling, 2D mapping and key based row and columnsshifting techniques. To determine the quality and efficiency ofthe scrambling techniques, correlation, entropy, computationalcomplexity have been considered. From the test results it wasfound that matrix based image scrambling applied on ArnoldTransform was the best among the considered techniques in termsof correlation.


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