AERSCIEA: An Efficient and Robust Satellite Color Image Enhancement Approach
Dibya Jyoti Bora
Citation: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Vijay Bhasker Semwal, Rubén González Crespo, Vishwanath Bijalwan (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 10, pages 3–13 (2017)
Abstract. Image enhancement is an important preprocessing step in any image analysis process. It helps to catalyze the further image analysis process like Image segmentation. In this paper, an approach for satellite color image enhancement on HSV color space is introduced. Here, local contrast management is given main focus because noises exist on local regions are found over amplified when enhancement is done through global enhancement technique like histogram equalization. The color arrangement and computations are done in HSV color space. The V-channel has been extracted for the enhancement process as this is the channel which represents the intensity and thereby represents the luminance of an image. At first, the image is normalized to stabilize the pixel distribution. The normalized image channel is analyzed with Binary Search Based CLAHE (BSB-CLAHE) for local contrast enhancement. The results obtained from the experiments prove the superiority of the proposed approach.
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