The Potential of the Internet of Things in Knowledge Management System
Artur Rot, Małgorzata Sobińska
Citation: Position Papers of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 16, pages 63–68 (2018)
Abstract. Along with the increasing globalization and development of information and communication technology, business models are changing, and thus the need for innovative knowledge management is growing. Current knowledge management systems very often are not used optimally/effectively for decision-making because of the lack of real-time data. This article draws attention to the current trend in the area of organization management and IT management related to the emergence and growing popularity of the Internet of Things. The authors try to assess the potential of IoT in the context of improving knowledge processes (locating, acquiring, using, sharing and disseminating as well as preserving / coding / archiving / collecting), especially acquiring and sharing data and determining IoT impact on knowledge management and learning of the organization. The possible positive effects of implementing IoT in enterprises of various types, as well as threats and challenges that must be met by organizations that care about increasing their competitive position using IoT will be presented.
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