Anonymization of data sets from Service Delivery Platforms
Radosław Naumiuk, Jarosław Legierski
Citation: Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 2, pages 955–960 (2014)
Abstract. The paper presents an anonymization of telecommunication data sets collected through Service Delivery Platforms (SDP), and describes an example tool SDPAnonymizer to make such operation. Information from SDP are processed in form of log files, consisting data sets, which show activity of users of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Data sets which should be anonymized contain sensitive data, for example: Names, MSISDN numbers (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Numbers) or IP addresses processed by Service Delivery Platforms.