Multi-Agent-based Distributed Optimization for Demand-Side-Management Applications
Tim Dethlefs, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz
Citation: Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 2, pages 1489–1496 (2014)
Abstract. Through automation and the emerging information and communication technology large-scale applications of Demand-Side Management (DSM) become achievable. Multi- Agent Systems (MAS) provide an intuitive paradigm for modeling and simulating such distributed grid-components. In this paper, a MAS for optimizing demand-side loads will be presented. It provides a distributed lightweight optimization model, enabling the consumer-side to form spontaneous networks to optimize their demand. For this purpose a generic consumer model and an energy exchange market as well as further roles and components will be specified. The distributed optimization of the consumers is achieved by a distributed Multi-Agent architecture utilizing Ant Colony System Optimization in order to optimize the consumers in a nature- inspired, self-organizing way. The applicability of the proposed approach will be demonstrated in a use-case study where a group of heterogenous consumers optimize their runtimes in order to map their demand to the energy generation of a wind power plant in a self-organized fashion.