Barriers in Creating Regional Business Spatial Community
Tomasz Turek, Dorota Jelonek, Cezary Stępniak
Citation: Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 2, pages 1243–1250 (2014)
Abstract. The article describes the obstacles that may arise during the planning phase of the project -- Regional Business Spatial Community. The authors are working on a project to prepare RBSC . It involves creating a community around a selected GIS software available in Cloud Technology. In the design of the project, the participants should be all the entities responsible for creating the infrastructure of the region. After conducting preliminary discussions with potential participants, the authors paid attention to the barriers and problems that threaten the planned project. Therefore, in the course of the study they drew attention to the mentioned aspect. The study identifies four groups of barriers: organizational, psychological, technological and financial. The authors also conducted empirical research to identify the most significant barriers to the creation of RBSC . The study involved five institutions providing utilities (gas, water, internet, TV) to the residents of the city . The results showed that the most significant barriers are organizational and psychological aspects. Slightly less importance is attributed to technological and financial barriers.