Capturing the Evolution of Service-oriented Systems with Architectural Decisions
Szymon Kijas, Andrzej Zalewski
Citation: Communication Papers of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 23, pages 67–76 (2020)
Abstract. Software evolution is becoming ever more important. SOA is nowadays a well-established and popular software technology. Because of its properties, such as loose-coupling between services and their reconfigurable composition, SOA is an architecture that is particularly suitable for rapidly evolving systems. However, the research on the evolution methodologies for SOA systems is rather scarce. We present a model called MAD4SOA, developed in order to support and capture the evolution of service-oriented systems. Architectural decisions are the first class entities that represent the evolution of a serviceoriented system. They are accompanied by a set of relations between model entities and formal integrity constraints. The suitability of the MAD4SOA model has been validated using the real-world example of a system operated in a clearing house company.
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