Research Problems Associated with Big Data Utilization in Logistics and Supply Chains Design and Management
Silva Robak, Bogdan Franczyk, Marcin Robak
Citation: Position Papers of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 3, pages 245–249 (2014)
Abstract. One of contemporary big challenges in information systems are the issues associated with coping with and utilization of the vast amounts of data. In this position paper we present few research problems emerging in association with occurrence of big data, with focus on domain of logistics and supply chains. We also reveal a number of influence factors on supply chains design and management which are related to big data. We show that the association of data science and predictive analysis with domain knowledge can build an important improvement for logistics and supply chain design and management. We point out how the domain problems in the key managerial business components could be solved better with big data applications for the stakeholders involved in the supply chains. We also highlight open problems in this domain and chances for the future.