Building A New “Hospital Governance” Model Based on The Made in Vietnam Lean Management Philosophy Through The Practice of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Thanh Nguyen Tien, Minh Nguyen Dang, Thuy Nguyen Thi Thanh
Citation: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation, Viet Ha Hoang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Nguyen Thi Hong Nga, Shivani Agarwal (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 34, pages 221–226 (2022)
Abstract. Research and propose a new model of ``Hospital governance'' based on The Made in Vietnam lean management philosophy a model is written based on recent research on practical activities in Vietnamese hospitals. The studied model has been effectively applied in some hospitals in Vietnam and provides the application process and some conditions for successful implementation. The model can be extended to domestic and international hospitals, including developed and developing countries.
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