Between app efficiency and user wellbeing: a cluster analysis on consumer types and continuance usage of food delivery app
Thu Thi Trinh, Xuan Tai Mai
Citation: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation, Viet Ha Hoang, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Nguyen Thi Hong Nga, Shivani Agarwal (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 34, pages 69–74 (2022)
Abstract. The introduction of food delivery apps, facilitated by the global pandemic, has created a significant disruption in the hospitality industry. However, how consumers use mobile applications in the context of daily choices and food consumption has not been fully explored. Using data collected through an online questionnaire comprising 165 food delivery app subscribers, k-mean cluster analysis was performed to classify users based on their internal motivations. The results reveal three distinct groups: Health-conscious Eaters, Food Enthusiasts, and Lifetime Diners. Practically, the present exploratory study assists FDA providers to better identify customers, so potentially optimizing marketing initiatives, and maximizing profitability.
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