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Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 5

Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems

Energy Expenditure in Multi-Agent Foraging: An Empirical Analysis

Ouarda Zedadra, Hamid Seridi, Nicolas Jouandeau, Giancarlo Fortino

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/2015F200

Citation: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 5, pages 1773–1778 (2015)

Full text

Abstract. A major challenge in swarm robotics is to minimize energy and time costs. We focus in this paper on multi-agent foraging algorithms that uses ant-like agents with limited energy. By considering energy consumption, we propose a new Energy aware Cooperative Switching Algorithm for Foraging (EC-SAF) that optimizes the whole system search and transport operations needed to collect resources over time. Unnecessary moves are avoided according to the following two premises: (1) Quick search and optimal paths provided by Stigmergic Multi-Ant Search Area (S-MASA) algorithm; (2) Quick homing provided by using the optimal paths created while searching. Results indicate that EC-SAF is promising in reducing swarm energy consumption compared to an energy-aware version of the c-marking algorithm (Ec-marking).