Process Approach to Management Knowledge Objects Managerial Expertise for Distance Learning
Krzysztof Hauke
Citation: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 5, pages 1661–1666 (2015)
Abstract. One of the basic features of the information society is a constant acquisition of information. This information can be obtained from various sources. One source is the Internet environment. In this environment, you can use the standard communication of information on the web. The disadvantage of this approach is the lack of assessment of knowledge by the recipient. If you want to professionally lead the learning process that we have to use distance learning technologies. The use of distance learning systems, forcing the recipient to the following activities: acquire new knowledge and its evaluation. Note, however, that the knowledge in the course offered must be current. Then it makes sense to use distance learning systems. The changes taking place in our environment contribute to changes in the content of courses in distance learning systems. The time it takes to adapt new content for distance learning systems is becoming a core element. This is particularly evident in economic issues. Traditional improvement course by a mentor can be very inefficient. Change the environment must lead to changes in distance learning systems. At the design stage of the course must predict which of the elements of this course will be sensitive to dynamic changes resulting from the environment. If such elements are found, you can use the idea of learning objects. Learning objects implemented in the course will allow you to quickly make changes to the systems for distance learning. The paper will be presented process approach to management knowledge objects managerial expertise for distance learning systems. Process management is carried out following steps. knowledge acquisition, knowledge Locating, developing knowledge, preservation of knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization. The use of learning objects taking into account the process approach to improving the quality of the courses offered in the form of e-learning.