Multicriteria support of choosing a group decision
Andrzej Łodziński
Citation: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 5, pages 1597–1602 (2015)
Abstract. The paper presents the method of a group decision making in a competitive environment. We deal with a group decision when the group of people with different preferences are to make one single decision. The group decision selection process is modeled with the use of multi-criteria optimization task. It is solved with the use of reference point method. This method is an interactive method in which every person specifies its requirements in the form of a reference point, expressing the desired values for its evaluation function. On the basis of the provided reference point, a scalar achievement function is built. Maximization of this function generates a solution of the multi-criteria task. This solution is presented to every person for acceptance or as a basis for the modification of the reference point. The paper contains the example of application of the proposed method to support a group decision by three people with different preferences