Visual Detection of Objects by Mobile Agents using CBVIR Techniques of Low Complexity
Andrzej Śluzek
Citation: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 5, pages 241–246 (2015)
Abstract. Visual search for objects of interest in complex environment is an important (and still challenging) problem in mobile robotics. In particular, the usage of content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) methods, which are a natural choice for such tasks, is often constrained by the real-time requirements, and the mobility of searching agents is sometimes not sufficiently exploited in the search model. In this paper, a CBVIR-based scheme is proposed, which takes into account motion of the searching agents to achieve a low-cost and high-speed detection of objects of interest in cluttered scenes, with good overall performances. We combine standard CBVIR tools, i.e. MSER detector and SIFT descriptor (quantized into sufficiently large vocabularies) assuming additionally that objects become objects of interest only when approached closely enough by the mobile agent, i.e. when seen at an adequately large scale. Thus, an object of interest is considered detected only if a sufficient number of keypoints from the current video-frame are matched (including the corresponding matches of scales) to the keypoints from the database images of the object. Preliminary experiments on a limited-size dataset confirm performances of the scheme, although in the classical task of video-frame retrieval the scheme cannot compete with more sophisticated CBVIR algorithms. The scheme can prospectively become more flexible if combined with a range-finding device so that the approximate distances to the scene components within the currently inspected part of the image can be used to proportionally modify the scale correspondences.