Visualization of logical formulas
Radosław Klimek
Citation: Proceedings of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 15, pages 419–424 (2018)
Abstract. Visualization of logical formulas for classical propositional calculus gains a new meaning in the context of a huge development of SAT solvers which find solutions of satisfiability problems of bigger and more complex tasks including the ones of industrial meaning. The aim of this work is to create, using modern IT tools, a coherent and widely accessible system in a form of web application, which will be able to provide a coopertive system, as well as will help to visualize, analyze and transform logical formulas. The system itself is now in the initial, however, mature implementation phase. It is open for new ideas and methods. New functionalities have already been introduced but there are plans to create the new ones.
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