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Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems

Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 25

Bernoulli Meets PBFT: Modeling BFT Protocols in the Presence of Dynamic Failures

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/2021F38

Citation: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Ślęzak (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 25, pages 291300 ()

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Abstract. The publication of the pivotal state machine replication protocol PBFT laid the foundation for a body of BFT protocols. We introduce a probabilistic model for evaluating BFT protocols in the presence of dynamic link and crash failures. The model is derived from the communication pattern, facilitating an adaptation to other protocols. The state of replicas is captured and used to derive the success probability of the protocol execution. To this end, we examine the influence of link and crash failure rates as well as the number of replicas. A comparison in protocol behavior of PBFT, Zyzzyva and SBFT is performed.


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