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Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 24

Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation

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Relationship between Employer Branding and Corporate Social Responsibility

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/2020KM19

Citation: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation, Shivani Agarwal, Darrell Norman Burrell, Vijender Kumar Solanki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 24, pages 123127 ()

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Abstract. Employer branding defines an employer's reputation as a potential employer, an employee's value proposition, as opposed to a general brand name and value proposition for consumers. Employer branding is an effective tool for the purpose of creating competitive advantage. It facilitates the treatment of employees as internal clients and also presents the image of the organization as a desirable place to work. Thus, attract the most talented workforce. In recent times, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has developed into a vital part of business. Companies must integrate public obligations towards internal as well as external stakeholders in their operations. For any organization, human resource is the most important stakeholder group. Thus, employers should focus on improving the employer-employee relationship. This study is conducted to determine the how the social responsibility of the company supports the employer branding in companies and what CSR communication methods are used by the companies to improve employer attractiveness. The research process includes literary analysis and empirical research and is based on content analysis to find out relationship between social commitment and employer branding


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