An analysis of the effect between the heat index and Long Short-Term Memory model to electricity load forecasting
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Vu Viet Hoang, Do Thi Thanh Chau, Bui Duy Linh, Nguyen Duc Huy
Citation: Proceedings of the 2021 Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Nguyen Ho Quang (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 27, pages 1–6 (2021)
Abstract. Accurate electricity load forecasting is essential for operating electrical systems. Most of the studies on electricity load forecasting are based on electricity load data or weather data, which is air temperature, but there are not consider the heat index. This paper proposes a short-term electricity load forecasting model using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) based on electricity load history and heat index data. In addition, the proposed model is applied to the data of IEVN NLDC (National Load Dispatching Center) in forecasting electricity load before 48 hours. This model is used to predict the electricity load of the Vietnamese nation and the power corporations of Vietnam. For a fair comparison, the LSTM network has fixed parameters, then compared the results when using temperature and the heat index. According to experimental results based on the Mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) assessment, the proposed model has better accuracy than the model based on electricity load history and temperature.
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