Benchmarking overlapping communication and computations with multiple streams for modern GPUs
Paweł Czarnul
Citation: Communication Papers of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 17, pages 105–110 (2018)
Abstract. The paper presents benchmarking a multi-stream application processing a set of input data arrays. Tests have been performed and execution times measured for various numbers of streams and various compute intensities measured as the ratio of kernel compute time and data transfer time. As such, the application and benchmarking is representative of frequently used operations such as vector weighted sum, matrix multiplication etc. The paper shows benefits of using multiple data streams for various compute intensities compared to one stream, benchmarked for 4 GPUs: professional NVIDIA Tesla V100, Tesla K20m, desktop GTX 1060 and mobile GeForce 940MX. Additionally, relative performances are shown for various numbers of kernel computations for these GPUs.
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