Universities – A View to Pebbels of Mosaic
Ivan Kastelan, Gordana Velikic, Milenko Beric, Nikola Teslic, Mark Bocko
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/2014F671
Citation: Proceedings of the E2LP 2014 Workshop, Vlado Sruk, Roman Szewczyk, Miodrag Temerinac (eds). ACSIS, Vol. 4, pages 13–15 (2014)
Abstract. Educational systems vary widely between continents, countries, and even towns. In the United States, universities may be either publicly or privately supported (or a combination) and may be categorized as either research oriented or teaching oriented. In this paper we present an informal discussion of the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various university models from the perspective of both students and faculty.