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19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS)

September 8–11, 2024. Belgrade, Serbia

Annals of Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, Volume 40

ISSN 2300-5963

Position Papers of the 19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS)

ISBN 978-83-969601-9-1 (Web),
978-83-969601-0-8 (USB)
Complete FedCSIS Position Papers (PDF, 6.091 M)


Dear Reader, it is our pleasure to present to you Position Papers of the 19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024), which took place on September 8-11, 2024, in Belgrade, Serbia.

Position papers comprise two categories of contributions – challenge papers and emerging research papers. Challenge papers propose and describe research challenges in theory, or practice, of computer science and intelligence systems. Papers in this category are based on deep understanding of existing research or industrial problems. Based on such understanding and experience, they define new exciting research directions and show why these directions are crucial to the society at large. Emerging research papers present preliminary research results from work-in-progress, based on sound scientific approach but presenting work not completely validated as yet. They describe precisely the research problem and its rationale. They also define the intended future work including the expected benefits from solution to the tackled problem. Subsequently, they may be more conceptual than experimental.

FedCSIS 2024 was chaired by Ivan Lukovic, while Dra­gana Makajić-Nikolić was the Chair of the Organizing Committee. This year, FedCSIS was organized by the Polish Information Processing Society (Mazovia Chapter), IEEE Poland Section Computer Society Chapter, Systems Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science Warsaw University of Technology, The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Rzeszów University of Tech­nology, and The Faculty of Organizational Science of the University of Belgrade.

FedCSIS 2024 was technically co-sponsored by IEEE Poland Section, IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section, Poland Section of IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Czechoslovakia Section of IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Serbia and Montenegro Section of IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Poland Section of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Chapter, Poland Section of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, Serbia and Montenegro Section of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, Serbia and Montenegro Section of IEEE Education Society Chapter, Serbia and Montenegro Section of IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group, Committee of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, Informatics Association of Serbia, and Mazovia Cluster ICT.

FedCSIS 2024 was organized in collaboration with the Strategic Partner: QED Software, and sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia, Banca Intesa, Nelt Group, Netconomy, Elsevier, Journal of Computer Languages, OnlyOffice, Ascensio Systems d.o.o., Beograd, MDPI and Yettel Bank.

During FedCSIS 2024, the following Keynote and Invited lectures were delivered:

  • Frank, Ulrich, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Multi-Level Language Architectures: Fostering Reuse, Integration and User Empowerment by Allowing for Additional Abstraction
  • Jovanović, Jelena, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Learning analytics: Challenges and opportunities opened by AI
  • Kutyniok, Gitta, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, Reliable AI: Successes, Challenges, and Limitations
  • Tolvanen, Juha-Pekka, Metacase, Finland, Languages for non-developers: what, how, where?
  • Dujmović, Jozo, San Francisco State University, USA, Graded Logic and Professional Decision Making

FedCSIS 2024 consisted of Main Track, with five Topical Areas and Thematic Sessions. Some of Thematic Sessions have been associated with the FedCSIS conference series for many years, while some of them are relatively new. The role of the Thematic Sessions is to focus and enrich discussions on selected areas, pertinent to the general scope of the conference, i.e. intelligence systems.

Each contribution, found in this volume, was refereed by at least two referees. They are presented in alphabetic order, according to the last name of the first author. The specific Topical Area or Thematic Session that given contribution was associated with is listed in the article metadata.

Making FedCSIS 2024 happen required a dedicated effort of many people. We would like to express our warmest gratitude to the members of Senior Program Committee, Topical Area Curators, Thematic Session Organizers and to the members of FedCSIS 2024 Program Committee. In particular, we would like to thank those colleagues who have refereed the 184 submissions.

We thank the authors of the papers for their great contributions to the theory and practice of computer science and intelligence systems. We are grateful to the keynote and invited speakers, for sharing their knowledge and wisdom with the participants.

Last, but not least, we thank Ivan Lukovic and Dragana Makajić-Nikolić and the FON Team. We are very grateful for all your efforts!

We hope that you had an inspiring conference. We also hope to meet you again for the 20th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2025) which will take place in Kraków, Poland, on September 14-17, 2025. We also hope that you will approve the evolution of the FedCSIS Conference concept, in the direction that properly addresses the current needs of research and applications. We want to continue looking at Computer Science from different angles but, at the same time, acknowledging the topic Intelligence Systems as the central point of everything that has to be considered.

Co-Chairs of the FedCSIS Conference Series

Marek Bolanowski, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland.

Maria Ganzha, Warsaw University of Technology, and Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.

Leszek Maciaszek (Honorary Chair), Macquarie University, Australia and Wrocław University of Economics, Poland.

Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, and Warsaw University of Management, Poland.

Dominik Ślęzak, University of Warsaw, Poland and QED Software, Poland, and DeepSeas, USA.

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Position Papers

TeXnical Editor: Aleksander Denisiuk
Phone/fax: +48-89-5246089