Guidelines for authors

Please note that there is no direct submission to ACSIS, but instead authors should submit to specific planned volumes and follow instructions provided by their editors.Z

Formatting instructions

A PDF file is enough for paper submission and evaluation.

When your contribution is accepted in a planned volume, please, upload all your source files (i.e. all files that are necessary and sufficient for reproducing your PDF using standard software) together with PDF in one zip arichive. (Of course, you can use any other standard archiver).

After submitting the article, please, double check, if

  • You entered correct title
  • You entered correct abstract
  • You entered all the authors in correct order
  • Names of all authors have all diacritical signs

Please, note that this data can be used for Proceedings on pendrive as well as for IEEEXplore digital library. Specifically, if you made any changes of title, abstract or list of authors in the final version, please inform the series editors or planned volume editors. Alternatively, send modified versions directly to the TeXnical editor.

To ensure that each conference article meets the specifications required by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (applicable only to selected volumes) and the ACSIS high-quality standards, the final version will be produced from the author's source by our TeXnical editor. To make the processing as fast as possible, authors are kindly requested to follow the following instructions. You can prepare your article in any of the three formats:

  • LaTeX (prefered)
  • OpenDocument
  • MSWord (deprecated)


Please, add a DOI information to your bibiliography using the following format:

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260,

BibTeX users

Sinse IEEEtran.bst does not officially support doi yest, use the myIEEEtran.bst by Gerald Q. "Chip" Maguire Jr. The template for doi in bib file is as follows:

  author = "Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter",
  journal = "Mol. Cell.",
  year = 2003,
  title = "A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells",
  doi = {10.1016/S1097-2765(03)00225-9},
  url = {}


The LaTeX example with additional instructions (inserting of graphic files, algorithms, programming code fragments, etc) can be found here. Please, use the source of the fedcsis.texfile as a template for your article. The example uses the standard IEEEtran document class. If it is not yest installed in your system, please download it form here.

When submitting an article in LaTeX, please, provide:

  • The source of the article.
  • Files of all the inserted graphics.
  • PDF file with the article (this file will be sent to the reviewers).

OpenDocument Format

Preparing an article in the OpenDocument Format, please, use the following template and guide. You can refer to the OpenDocument Fellowship site for list of applications that support OpenDocument format.

Use IMCSITTemplate.odt file, included in the template and guide as a template for your contribution. The article elements (titles, abstract, author's name and address, programming code fragments, table and figure captions etc.) should be formated using the corresponding styles (see the documentation). You are not allowed to change explicitly fonts, paragraph formatting. etc.

When submitting an article in OpenDocument Format, please, provide:
The source of the article.
Files of all the inserted graphics.
PDF file with the article. PDF will be sent to the referees.


If you choose MSWord format, please, first of all consider the possibility to switch to LaTeX, which produces perfect platform-independent documents.

To submit an article in MSWord, use the following template and guide. Use the IMCSITTemplateDoc.doc file, included in the template and guide as a template for your contribution. The article elements (titles, abstract, author's name and address, programming code fragments, table and figure captions etc.) should be formated with the corresponding styles (see the documentation). You are not allowed to change explicitly fonts, the paragraph formatting, etc.
Do not try to adjust the format of your article manually. It is better to leave not perfectly formatted text "as is".
You are encouraged to convert the article to OpenDocument format. Please, refer to the OpenDocument Fellowship site for the list of available converters.
Do not use Open XML format (docx extensions)!

When submitting an article in MSWord, please, provide:

  • The source of the article.
  • Files of all the inserted graphics.
  • PDF file with the article. PDF will be sent to the referees.

© 2005–2015 A. Denisiuk

Review process

ACSIS book series follows the single blind review procedure (for all edited volumes). It is required that each contribution will be evaluated by at least two independent reviewers. Their names are hidden from the author. This is the traditional method of reviewing and the most common type.
In the case of volumes based on conferences, reviews of submitted work is conducted by the members of the Program Committee. In the case of post-conference thematic volumes (consisting of papers revised and extended by at least 40%), research reports originating from funded projects, invited monographs, special volumes related to selected topics in computer science and/or information systems, reviewers are provided by volume organizers, in agreement with the ACSIS Editor-in-Chief. In all cases it is strictly required that all reviewers have at least a Doctoral Degree (and expertise related to the subject area of the evaluated contribution). 

Anti-plagrialism policy

ACSIS will undertake strict actions to prevent plagrialism. It is required that each article be evaluated by at least two independent reviewers. The exact policy will be dependent on specific planned volume, however our preferred method is CrossCheck.

Publication Ethics

This document states the publication ethics policies of the Annals of Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (ACSIS) book series. It has been prepared following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and in adherence to best practices in academic publishing. The guidelines may be consulted for further details. The aim of this document is to outline the steps undertaken by the publisher to ensure the integrity and quality of published work while promoting transparency and fairness in the publication process. 
  1. Authorship and Contributorship Policies
    • Authorship Criteria: An author should have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research. All individuals who meet these criteria should be listed as authors. Those who contributed in other ways should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section.
    • Author Responsibilities: Authors are responsible for the content of their work, including the accuracy of the reported data and the reliability of the discussed findings.
  2. Handling Complaints and Appeals
    • Filing Complaints: Complaints related to the editorial process, publication ethics, or other related matters should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at
    • Resolution Process: Complaints will be reviewed and addressed transparently, fairly, and timely. Appeals against editorial decisions must be submitted in writing (e-mail is acceptable) with supporting evidence.​
  3. Conflict of Interest / Competing Interests Policy
    • Authors, reviewers, and volume editors must disclose any financial and/or personal relationships that could (have) influence(d) the research or the publication process.
    • Conflicts of interest should be stated at the time of the submission and included in the published contribution.
    • The ACSIS book series reserves the right to reject/retract manuscripts or take other corrective actions if undisclosed conflicts of interest are discovered.
  4. Data Sharing and Reproducibility
    • Authors should provide/make available raw data, statistical analysis details, and codes used in the research, as applicable, to ensure complete research reproducibility.
    • The ACSIS book series strongly encourages open data sharing through recognized repositories, provided that confidentiality and ethical considerations are maintained.
  5. Ethical Oversight Policy
    • All research involving human participants, or animals, must comply with established ethical standards and have received approval from an appropriate ethics committee.
    • Authors must provide evidence of ethical approval and, where applicable, informed consent statements.
    • The ACSIS book series upholds ethical guidelines for research integrity, including the avoidance of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.​
  6. Intellectual Property Policy
    • Authors must ensure that their work is original and does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights.
    • Proper attribution must be given to all referenced works.
    • Plagiarism and duplicate submissions are strictly prohibited and will result in rejection or retraction.​
  7. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections
    • Authors and readers may request corrections or retractions if errors, ethical concerns, or data integrity issues arise.
    • The journal follows COPE guidelines for handling corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern.
  8. Statement on LLMs​    
    ​​Recognizing the developing issue that affects all academic disciplines, we would like to state that, in principle, papers that include unedited text generated from large language models (LLMs) are prohibited.
    If the paper uses LLMs to prepare “technical” aspects of the research(e.g., use of LLM-generated program code in experiments or simulations), this fact must be clearly marked in the paper, along with an analysis of the impact of this approach on the research results.
    In addition, it is permissible to use LLM models at the stage of editorial correction, as long as the changes made are minor and do not substantively affect the article.
    It should be emphasized that full responsibility for the content of the publication lies with the author(s). Inappropriate or unethical use of LLM models in the preparation of an article may result in its rejection.
These policies are designed to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and transparency. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to these principles to maintain the credibility of scholarly publishing.

Copyright and Licensing

ACSIS provides immediate online open access to its content that can be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) (
Under this license, author(s) retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but allows anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy the content as long as the original author(s) and source is/are cited. No permission is required from the author(s) or the publisher. Appropriate attribution can be provided by simply citing the original article. Author(s) grant the publisher of ACSIS the right of first publication.
Licensing notes regarding the Proceedings of the FedCSIS conference series included in the IEEE Digital Library
The ACSIS originated from a perceived need to establish continuity of electronic presence of volumes resulting from the Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems; conference series (and its predecessors). FedCSIS conferences are organized with co-sponsorship of multiple IEEE units (see the conference WWW site). As a result, for each conference a Letter of Acquisition is signed, between representative(s) of the publisher (Polish Information Processing Society) and the IEEE. This allows inclusion of FedCSIS Proceedings content in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
Copyrights labels 
Whenever the html or pdf version of a volume, or individual article, contains markings such as “©YEAR, PTI” (e.g. ©2024, PTI), it means that the work is made available under a CC BY license.