Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
September 7–10, 2014. Warsaw, Poland
Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 2
ISSN 2300-5963
Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
ISBN 978-83-60810-58-3 (Web),
978-83-60810-57-6 (USB),
978-83-60810-61-3 (ART)
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1485N-ART (ART),
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15439/978-83-60810-58-3
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FedCSIS Position papers
E2LP Workshop
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Conference Keynote Papers
The Fog Computing Paradigm: Scenarios and Security Issues
503 Ivan Stojmenovic, Sheng Wen, pages 1 – 8. Show abstract -
The Smart Grid's Data Generating Potentials
509 Marco Aiello, Giuliano Andrea Pagani, pages 9 – 16. Show abstract
9th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Neural network approach to ECT inverse problem solving for estimation of gravitational solids flow
368 Neural Networks Hela Garbaa, Lidia Jackowska-Strumiłło, Krzysztof Grudzień, Andrzej Romanowski, pages 19 – 26. Show abstract -
Adaptive Learning for Improving Semantic Tagging of Scientific Articles
492 Andrzej Janusz, Sebastian Stawicki, Hung Son Nguyen, pages 27 – 34. Show abstract -
A Brain Emotional Learning-based Prediction Model A Brain Emotional Learning-based Prediction Model For the Prediction of Geomagnetic Storms
231 Machine Learning, Nature Inspired Methods Mahboobeh Parsapoor, Urban Bilstrup, Bertil Svensson, pages 35 – 42. Show abstract -
Parallel Feature Selection Algorithm based on Rough Sets and Particle Swarm Optimization
389 Nature Inspired Methods, Rough Sets Mateusz Adamczyk, pages 43 – 50. Show abstract -
Global versus modular link prediction approach for discapnet: website focused to visually impaired people
464 Data Mining, Web Mining Olatz Arbelaitz, Aizea Lojo, Javier Muguerza, Iñigo Perona, pages 51 – 58. Show abstract -
Using Fuzzy Logic and Q-Learning for Trust Modeling in Multi-agent Systems
482 Hybrid Intelligent Systems Abdullah Aref, Thomas Tran, pages 59 – 66. Show abstract -
Minimizing Size of Decision Trees for Multi-label Decision Tables
256 Data Mining, Decision Support Systems, Granular Computing, Knowledge Management, Machine Learning, Rough Sets Mohammad Azad, Mikhail Moshkov, pages 67 – 74. Show abstract -
The inverse infection problem
261 Data Mining, Machine Learning András Bóta, Miklós Krész, András Pluhár, pages 75 – 83. Show abstract -
An unorthodox view on the problem of tracking facial expressions
495 Magdalena Błażek, Maria Kazimierczak, Artur Janowski, Katarzyna Mokwa, Marek Przyborski, Jakub Szulwic, pages 85 – 91. Show abstract -
Experimental evaluation of selected tree structures for exact and approximate k-nearest neighbor classification
194 Data Mining, Machine Learning Aleksander Cisłak, Szymon Grabowski, pages 93 – 100. Show abstract -
Identification of malware activities with rules
265 Approximate Reasoning, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management, Real-world Applications of Intelligent Systems Bartosz Jasiul, Joanna Śliwa, Kamil Gleba, Marcin Szpyrka, pages 101 – 110. Show abstract -
The influence of using fractal analysis in hybrid MLP model for short-term forecast of closing prices on Warsaw Stock Exchange
358 Michał Paluch, Lidia Jackowska-Strumiłło, pages 111 – 118. Show abstract -
Fuzzy Logic Rules Modeling Similarity-based Strict Equality
387 Approximate Reasoning, Fuzzy Modelling and Control, Knowledge Management Ginés Moreno, Jaime Penabad, Carlos Vázquez, pages 119 – 128. Show abstract -
Dynamic Weighting New method of weighting panels with large numbers of weighting parameters
488 Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management, Real-world Applications of Intelligent Systems Marcin Pery, pages 129 – 134. Show abstract -
Election Algorithms Applied to the Global Aggregation in Networks of Comparators
494 Decision Support Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Modelling and Control, Granular Computing Łukasz Sosnowski, Andrzej Pietruszka, Stanisław Łazowy, pages 135 – 144. Show abstract -
MITC: An Intention-Based Model for Cooperative Resolution of Traffic Conflicts
491 Architectures of Intelligent Systems, Real-world Applications of Intelligent Systems Alejandro Triana Castañeda, Enrique González Guerrero, pages 145 – 153. Show abstract -
Fully Informed Swarm Optimization Algorithms: Basic Concepts, Variants and Experimental Evaluation
377 Evolutionary Computation, Nature Inspired Methods Szymon Łukasik, Piotr Andrzej Kowalski, pages 155 – 161. Show abstract -
Ladder Tagger—Splitting Decision Space to Boost Tagging Quality
107 Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing Mariusz Paradowski, Adam Radziszewski, pages 163 – 169. Show abstract -
A Developmental Genetic Approach to the cost/time trade-off in Resource Constrained Project Scheduling
151 Evolutionary Computation, Nature Inspired Methods Grzegorz Pawiński, Krzysztof Sapiecha, pages 171 – 179. Show abstract
4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications
Fuzzy Vikor Approach: Evaluating Quality of Internet Health Information
203 Applications of AI in Health Care and Surgery Systems, Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences Eric Afful-Dadzie, Stephen Nabareseh, Zuzana Komínková Oplatková, pages 183 – 190. Show abstract -
Construction of Healthcare System Structure for Reliability Analysis
363 Biomedical Applications, Health Care Information Systems Miroslav Kvassay, Elena Zaitseva, pages 191 – 199. Show abstract -
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Prediction Using Support Vector Machine and LIBSVM
111 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Medicine, Diagnoses and Therapy Support Systems, Machine Learning-based Medical Systems Marcin Ochab, Wiesław Wajs, pages 201 – 208. Show abstract -
Improving the performance of machine learning classifiers for Breast Cancer diagnosis based on feature selection
249 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences, Biomedical Applications, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Medicine, Diagnoses and Therapy Support Systems, Knowledge Management of Medical Data, Machine Learning-based Medical Systems Noel Pérez, Miguel Angel Guevara, Augusto Silva, Isabel Ramos, Joana Loureiro, pages 209 – 217. Show abstract -
Topological Prostate Segmentation Method in MRI
204 Medical Image Processing and Techniques, Medical Signal and Image Processing and Techniques Done Stojanov, Saso Koceski, pages 219 – 225. Show abstract -
EMG Speller with Adaptive Stimulus Rate and Dictionary Support
338 Mindaugas Vasiljevas, Rūtenis Turčinas, Robertas Damaševičius, pages 227 – 234. Show abstract -
Feature Selection for Classification Incorporating Less Meaningful Attributes in Medical Diagnostics
296 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Medicine, Diagnoses and Therapy Support Systems, Knowledge Management of Medical Data Agnieszka Wosiak, Danuta Zakrzewska, pages 235 – 240. Show abstract -
An infrastructure for efficient reporting workflow in grid based teleradiology architectures using Relation Based Semantic Matching and Integer Linear Programming
95 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences, Clinical Information Systems, Knowledge Management of Medical Data, Ontology and Medical Information Ayhan Ozan Yılmaz, Nazife Baykal, pages 241 – 245. Show abstract -
A new approach to automatic continuous artery diameter measurement
199 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Health Sciences, Diagnoses and Therapy Support Systems, Medical Image Processing and Techniques Bartosz Zieliński, Adam Roman, Agata Dróżdż, Agata Kowalewska, Marzena Frołow, pages 247 – 251. Show abstract
4th International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval
Semantic sentence structure search engine
343 Domain-specific semantic applications, Searching and ranking Nikita Gerasimov, Maxim Mozgovoy, Alexey Lagunov, pages 255 – 259. Show abstract -
Extracting Semantic Prototypes and Factual Information from a Large Scale Corpus Using Variable Size Window Topic Modelling
253 Evaluation methodologies for semantic search and retrieval, Models for document representation, Natural language semantic processing. Michał Korzycki, Wojciech Korczyński, pages 261 – 268. Show abstract -
An approach to service-oriented information systems architecture development based on semantic closure measure
25 Viktor Mokerov, pages 269 – 272. Show abstract -
Learning History with Timelines: Use Cases, Requirements and Design
106 Domain-specific semantic applications, Models for document representation, Ontology for semantic information retrieval, Visualization of retrieved results. Evgeny Pyshkin, Nikita Bogdanov, pages 273 – 280. Show abstract -
LELA - A natural language processing system for Romanian tourism
323 Domain-specific semantic applications, Natural language semantic processing, Ontology for semantic information retrieval, Query interfaces. Bernadette Varga, Alina Dia Trambitas-Miron, Andrei Roth, Anca Marginean, Radu Razvan Slavescu, Adrian Groza, pages 281 – 288. Show abstract -
Ontology-based Concept Similarity Integrating Image Semantic and Visual Information
273 Ontology for semantic information retrieval, Semantic multimedia retrieval. Mengyun Wang, Xianglong Liu, Lei Huang, Bo Lang, Hailiang Yu, pages 289 – 296. Show abstract
1st Complex Events and Information Modelling
Heuristic to Build RCC8 for Event Locations
353 Automated reasoning, Cognition and Decision Making models during Emergency, Decision Support Systems Majed Ayyad, pages 299 – 306. Show abstract -
An approach to discover false alarms in monitoring system in the copper mine
238 Automated reasoning, Knowledge Discovery, Data and Process Mining Bartlomiej Karaban, Jerzy Korczak, pages 307 – 312. Show abstract -
Virtual Reality for Fire Evacuation Research
94 Max Kinateder, Enrico Ronchi, Daniel Nilsson, Margrethe Kobes, Mathias Müller, Paul Pauli, Andreas Mühlberger, pages 313 – 321. Show abstract -
A Framework for Dynamic Analytical Risk Management at the Emergency Scene. From Tribal to Top Down in the Risk Management Maturity Model
371 Artificial Intelligence techniques in Fire Safety, Automated reasoning, Data Assimilation and Smart Buildings, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Modelling, Risk Management, Sensory data storage representation and processing Adam Krasuski, pages 323 – 330. Show abstract -
Data Cleansing of the Fire & Rescue Text Corpus. The Case Study of Correction of the Misspellings and Segmentation into Sentences.
406 Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Discovery, Data and Process Mining, Knowledge Modelling Karol Kreński, Mateusz Fliszkiewicz, pages 331 – 335. Show abstract -
A Granular Evacuation Modeling Framework
375 Cognition and Decision Making models during Emergency, Decision Support Systems, Evacuation models Wojciech Świeboda, Andrzej Krauze, Hung Son Nguyen, pages 337 – 342. Show abstract
AAIA’14 Data Mining Competition at the Knowledge Pit
Key Risk Factors for Polish State Fire Service: a Data Mining Competition at Knowledge Pit
507 Andrzej Janusz, Adam Krasuski, Sebastian Stawicki, Mariusz Rosiak, Dominik Ślęzak, Hung Son Nguyen, pages 345 – 354. Show abstract -
Parsimonious Naive Bayes
496 Marc Boullé, pages 355 – 359. Show abstract -
Building an Ensemble from a Single Naive Bayes Classifier in the Analysis of Key Risk Factors for Polish State Fire Service
499 Stefan Nikolić, Marko Knežević, Vladimir Ivančević, Ivan Luković, pages 361 – 367. Show abstract -
Identification of Key Risk Factors for the Polish State Fire Service with Cascade Step Forward Feature Selection
497 Piotr Płoński, pages 369 – 373. Show abstract -
Robust Method of Sparse Feature Selection for Multi-Label Classification with Naive Bayes
502 Dymitr Ruta, pages 375 – 380. Show abstract -
Feature Selection for Naive Bayesian Network Ensemble using Evolutionary Algorithms
498 Adam Zagorecki, pages 381 – 385. Show abstract -
Feature selection and allocation to diverse subsets for multi-label learning problems with large datasets
500 Eftim Zdravevski, Petre Lameski, Andrea Kulakov, Dejan Gjorgjevikj, pages 387 – 394. Show abstract
7th Workshop on Computational Optimization
A Look-Forward Heuristic for Packing Spheres into a Three-Dimensional Bin
145 combinatorial optimization, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other Hakim Akeb, pages 397 – 404. Show abstract -
3-D filter SQP method for optimal control of the multistage differential-algebraic systems with inconsistent initial values
31 optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments, unconstrained and constrained optimization Paweł Drąg, Krystyn Styczeń, pages 405 – 411. Show abstract -
Hybrid GA-ACO Algorithm for a Model Parameters Identification Problem
373 combinatorial optimization, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other , nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Stefka Fidanova, Marcin Paprzycki, Olympia Roeva, pages 413 – 420. Show abstract -
Width Beam and Hill-Climbing Strategies for the Three-Dimensional Sphere Packing Problem
284 combinatorial optimization, computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance, physics Mhand Hifi, Labib Yousef, pages 421 – 428. Show abstract -
Meta-optimization method for wavelet-based damage identification in composite structures
268 computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance, physics, global optimization, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other, multiobjective optimization, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Andrzej Katunin, Piotr Przystałka, pages 429 – 438. Show abstract -
Optimisation using Natural Language Processing: Personalized Tour Recommendation for Museums
336 combinatorial optimization, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Mayeul Mathias, Assema Moussa, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, Fen Zhou, Marie-Sylvie Poli, Didier Josselin, Marc El-Bèze, Andréa Carneiro Linhares, Françoise Rigat, pages 439 – 446. Show abstract -
Exploratory Equivalence in Graphs: Definition and Algorithms
352 combinatorial optimization Jurij Mihelič, Luka Fürst, Uroš Čibej, pages 447 – 456. Show abstract -
An adaptive branching scheme for the Branch & Prune algorithm applied to Distance Geometry
92 combinatorial optimization, unconstrained and constrained optimization Douglas Gonçalves, Antonio Mucherino, Carlile Lavor, pages 457 – 463. Show abstract -
Higher-Order Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithms
99 combinatorial optimization, global optimization, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other , nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi, random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and other derivative Robert Nowotniak, Jacek Kucharski, pages 465 – 470. Show abstract -
Change-Point Detection in Binary Markov DNA Sequences by Cross-Entropy Method
88 combinatorial optimization, computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance, physics, optimization methods for learning processes and data mining Tatiana Polushina, Georgy Sofronov, pages 471 – 478. Show abstract -
An efficient algorithm for the density Turán problem of some unicyclic graphs
297 combinatorial optimization Halina Bielak, Kamil Powroźnik, pages 479 – 486. Show abstract -
Routing on Dynamic Networks: GRASP versus Genetic
52 combinatorial optimization, large scale optimization Benoit Bernay, Deleplanque Samuel, Alain Quiliot, pages 487 – 492. Show abstract -
Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Linear Arrangement Problems
50 combinatorial optimization Alain Quiliot, Djamal Rebaine, pages 493 – 500. Show abstract -
An Application of Developmental Genetic Programming for Automatic Creation of Supervisors of Multi-task Real-Time Object-Oriented Systems
208 multiobjective optimization, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Krzysztof Sapiecha, Leszek Ciopiński, Stanisław Deniziak, pages 501 – 509. Show abstract -
A Comparison between Different Chess Rating Systems for Ranking Evolutionary Algorithms
33 global optimization, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Niki Veček, Marjan Mernik, Matej Črepinšek, Dejan Hrnčič, pages 511 – 518. Show abstract -
Data-driven Genetic Algorithm in Bayesian estimation of the abrupt atmospheric contamination
272 computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance, physics, hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques and other, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi, optimization methods for learning processes and data mining Anna Wawrzynczak-Szaban, Marcin Jaroszyński, Mieczysław Borysiewicz, pages 519 – 527. Show abstract -
Dispersive Flies Optimisation
142 global optimization, nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimi Mohammad Majid Al-Rifaie, pages 529 – 538. Show abstract
Computer Science & Systems
7th Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations: a Novel End Condition and Root Computation Method
183 Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking Maciej Bartoszuk, pages 543 – 552. Show abstract -
Accuracy Evaluation of Classical Integer Order Based and Direct Non-integer Order Numerical Algorithms of Non-integer Order Derivatives and Integrals Computations
190 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology Dariusz W. Brzeziński, Piotr Ostalczyk, pages 553 – 560. Show abstract -
Performance analysis of the WZ factorization in MATLAB
315 Languages, tools and environments for programming numerical algorithms, Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking Beata Bylina, Jarosław Bylina, pages 561 – 568. Show abstract -
Performance Analysis of Multicore and Multinodal Implementation of SpMV Operation
313 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology, Contemporary computer architectures, Heterogeneous numerical algorithms, Numerical algorithms on GPUs, Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking, Parallel numerical algorithms Beata Bylina, Jarosław Bylina, Przemysław Stpiczyński, Dominik Szałkowski, pages 569 – 576. Show abstract -
Implementation of a distributed parallel in time scheme using PETSc for a Parabolic Optimal Control Problem
340 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology, Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking, Paradigms of programming numerical algorithms, Parallel numerical algorithms Juan Cáceres, Benjamín Barán, Christian Schaerer, pages 577 – 586. Show abstract -
An error estimate of Gaussian Recursive Filter in 3Dvar problem
279 Analysis of rounding errors of numerical algorithms, Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology Salvatore Cuomo, Ardelio Galletti, Livia Marcellino, Raffaele Farina, Livia Marcellino, pages 587 – 595. Show abstract -
Inexact Newton matrix-free methods for solving complex biotechnological systems
216 Paweł Drąg, Marlena Kwiatkowska, pages 597 – 602. Show abstract -
Finite Element Numerical Integration on Xeon Phi coprocessor
222 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology, Heterogeneous numerical algorithms, Numerical algorithms on GPUs, Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking, Parallel numerical algorithms Filip Krużel, Krzysztof Banaś, pages 603 – 612. Show abstract -
Performance analysis of scalable algorithms for 3D linear transforms
374 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology, Numerical algorithms testing and benchmarking, Parallel numerical algorithms Ivan Lirkov, Marcin Paprzycki, Maria Ganzha, Stanislav Sedukhin, Paweł Gepner, pages 613 – 622. Show abstract -
MuPAD codes which implement limit-computable functions that cannot be bounded by any computable function
91 Paradigms of programming numerical algorithms Apoloniusz Tyszka, pages 623 – 629. Show abstract -
On multivariate cryptosystems based on maps with logarithmically invertible decomposition corresponding to walk on graph
269 Applications of numerical algorithms in science and technology Vasyl Ustimenko, pages 631 – 637. Show abstract
7th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing
Gaussian-Based Approach to Subpixel Detection of Blurred and Unsharp Edges
136 Audio, Image and Video Processing Anna Fabijańska, pages 641 – 650. Show abstract -
Computer Aided Assessment of Linear and Quadratic Function Graphs Using Least-squares Fitting
365 Audio, Image and Video Processing, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval in Multimedia Applications Wojciech Bieniecki, Sebastian Stoliński, Magdalena Stasiak-Bieniecka, pages 651 – 658. Show abstract -
Efficient Volumetric Segmentation Method
174 Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging, Audio, Image and Video Processing Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Liana Stanescu, Marius Brezovan, Cosmin Stoica Spahiu, pages 659 – 668. Show abstract -
3D model reconstruction and evaluation using a collection of points extracted from the series of photographs
304 Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging, Audio, Image and Video Processing Marcin Luckner, Katarzyna Rzążewska, pages 669 – 677. Show abstract -
Indoor head detection and tracking on RGBD images
195 Audio, Image and Video Processing Katarzyna Niżałowska, Łukasz Burdka, Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, pages 679 – 686. Show abstract -
High quality, low latency in-home streaming of multimedia applications for mobile devices
42 Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging, Audio, Image and Video Processing, Distributed Multimedia Systems, Entertainment and games, Mobile Network Architecture, Multimedia in Medical Applications Daniel Pohl, Stefan Nickels, Ram Nalla, Oliver Grau, pages 687 – 694. Show abstract -
An Optimized Version of the K-Means Clustering Algorithm
258 Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval in Multimedia Applications Cosmin Marian Poteraş, Cristian Mihăescu, Mihai Mocanu, pages 695 – 699. Show abstract -
Handwritten Signature Verification with 2D Color Barcodes
59 Security in Multimedia Applications: Authentication and Watermarking Marco Querini, Marco Gattelli, Valerio M. Gentile, Giuseppe F. Italiano, pages 701 – 708. Show abstract -
Movement Tracking in Terrain Conditions Accelerated with CUDA
282 Audio, Image and Video Processing Piotr Skłodowski, Witold Żorski, pages 709 – 717. Show abstract -
Masking the Effects of Delays in Human-to-Human Remote Interaction
137 Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging, Distributed Multimedia Systems, Entertainment and games, Human Computer Interaction and Interfaces in Multimedia Applications Fei Su, John Markus Bjørndalen, Phuong Hoai Ha, Otto J. Anshus, pages 719 – 728. Show abstract -
Pong Game on FPGA with CRT or LCD Display and Push Button Controls
181 Roland Szabó, Aurel Gotean, pages 729 – 734. Show abstract -
Image Hashing Secured With Chaotic Sequences
250 Security in Multimedia Applications: Authentication and Watermarking Relu-Laurentiu Tataru, pages 735 – 740. Show abstract
2nd Workshop on Scalable Computing in Distributed Systems and 7th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on Grids
Synthesis of Real Time Distributed Applications for Cloud Computing
234 Cloud computing architectures and models, High Performance Cloud Computing, Intelligent resource allocation Sławomir Bąk, Stanisław Deniziak, pages 743 – 752. Show abstract -
Performance Analysis of SaaS Ticket Management Systems
331 Business applications, Cloud Application Scalability and Availability, Intelligent resource allocation, Performance analysis, evaluation and prediction Pano Gushev, Sasko Ristov, Marjan Gusev, pages 753 – 760. Show abstract -
Creating portable TOSCA archive for iKnow University Management System
311 Business applications, Cloud Interoperability and Portability Magdalena Kostoska, Ivan Chorbev, Marjan Gusev, pages 761 – 768. Show abstract -
Performance Analysis of Distributed Internet System Models using QPN Simulation
366 High performance computations for large scale simulations, Performance analysis, evaluation and prediction Tomasz Rak, pages 769 – 774. Show abstract -
Implementation of a Network Based Cloud Load Balancer
454 Load Balancing in large-scale distributed systems Sasko Ristov, Marjan Gusev, Kiril Cvetkov, Goran Velkoski, pages 775 – 780. Show abstract -
Supporting job-level secure access to GPGPU resources on existing grid infrastructures
337 Large scale computation with GPU, Large-scale distributed computations John Walsh, Jonathan Dukes, pages 781 – 790. Show abstract
Education, Curricula & Research Methods
3rd Information Systems Education & Curricula Workshop
Flipped Computer Science Classes
300 Assessment of students, Curriculum organization and curriculum, Innovative teaching methods, Quality and evaluation of teaching R. Robert Gajewski, Marcin Jaczewski, pages 795 – 802. Show abstract -
New Teaching Methods: Merging “John Dewey” and “William Heard Kilpatrick” Teaching Techniques
398 General IS Theory, Innovative teaching methods, IS Educational Fields, Specification of IS Education Curricula Habib M. Fardoun, Abdullah Almalaise Alghamidi, Antonio Paules Cipres, pages 803 – 808. Show abstract -
New Teaching Techniques of Mathematics Subjects by means of Artificial Genesis
397 Assessment of students, Innovative teaching methods, IS Educational Fields, Specification of IS Education Curricula Habib M. Fardoun, Daniyal M. Alghazzawi, Antonio Paules Cipres, pages 809 – 814. Show abstract -
Global Unification Model of Studies based on similar subjects
383 Assessment of students, Curriculum organization and curriculum, Innovative teaching methods, IS Scope Habib M. Fardoun, Daniyal M. Alghazzawi, Lorenzo Carretero González, pages 815 – 817. Show abstract -
Benu: Operating System Increments for Embedded Systems Engineer's Education
237 Definition of “knowledge” in IS, Innovative teaching methods Leonardo Jelenković, Domagoj Jakobović, Stjepan Groš, pages 819 – 826. Show abstract -
Experience with Real-Life Students' Projects
257 IS Educational Fields, IS Scope, Training for career and skills development Jaroslav Král, Michal Žemlička, pages 827 – 833. Show abstract -
Strategies for the Individualization of an Informatics Course
259 Curriculum organization and curriculum, Innovative teaching methods, Quality and evaluation of teaching, Student participation in research Olga Mironova, Irina Amitan, Jelena Vendelin, Merike Saar, Tiia Rüütmann, pages 835 – 840. Show abstract -
Situational Software Engineering: Complex Adaptive Responses of Software Development Teams
196 The Fundamental Concepts Underpinning IS Barry Myburgh, pages 841 – 850. Show abstract -
Requirement Engineering for Effective Mobile Learning: Modelling Mobile Device Technologies Integration for Alignment with Strategic Policies in Learning Establishments
98 Convergence between IS & CS in higher Education, Definition of “knowledge” in IS, General IS Theory, Merge from IS to CS and vice versa in higher Education Remy Olasoji, David Preston, Amin Mousavi, pages 851 – 860. Show abstract
Innovative Network Systems and Applications
1st Workshop on Emerging Aspects in Information Security
Enterprise-oriented Cybersecurity Management
38 Computer network security, Critical infrastructure protection, Cyber and physical security infrastructures, Decision support systems for information security, Emerging technologies and applications, Information security and business continuity management, Organization- related information security, Risk assessment and risk management in different application domains, Security and safety Tomasz Chmielecki, Piotr Chołda, Piotr Pacyna, Paweł Potrawka, Norbert Rapacz, Rafał Stankiewicz, Piotr Wydrych, pages 863 – 870. Show abstract -
A New Mode of Operation for Arbiter PUF to Improve Uniqueness on FPGA
140 Hardware-oriented information security Takanori Machida, Dai Yamamoto, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Sakiyama, pages 871 – 878. Show abstract -
Evaluation of highly available and fault-tolerant middleware clustered architectures using RabbitMQ
48 Critical infrastructure protection, Emerging technologies and applications, Information security and business continuity management Maciej Rostański, Krzysztof Grochla, Aleksander Seman, pages 879 – 884. Show abstract -
Solution for Secure Private Data Storage in a Cloud
43 Cloud and big data security, Cryptography and cryptanalysis Kirill Shatilov, Vladislav Boiko, Sergey Krendelev, Diana Anisutina, Artem Sumaneev, pages 885 – 889. Show abstract -
Order-preserving encryption schemes based on arithmetic coding and matrices
186 Cloud and big data security, Cryptography and cryptanalysis, Security and safety Maria Usoltseva, Sergey Krendelev, Mikhail Yakovlev, pages 891 – 899. Show abstract -
A Comparison between Business Process Management and Information Security Management
77 Organization- related information security, Risk assessment and risk management in different application domains Gaute Wangen, Einar Arthur Snekkenes, pages 901 – 910. Show abstract -
Security Evaluation of Bistable Ring PUFs on FPGAs using Differential and Linear Analysis
122 Hardware-oriented information security Dai Yamamoto, Masahiko Takenaka, Kazuo Sakiyama, Naoya Torii, pages 911 – 918. Show abstract
3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Network Applications, Network Systems and Web Services
Automated Discovery of Worldwide Content Servers Infrastructure - the SNIFFER Project
228 Innovative network applications, systems and services, Network-based computing systems Andrzej Bąk, Piotr Gajowniczek, Marcin Pilarski, Marcin Borkowski, pages 921 – 924. Show abstract -
Graph Based Messaging APIs—concept and implementation
192 Context-aware Web services, Technical and social aspects of Open API and open data, Telecommunication operators API exposition in Telco 2.0 model Michał Cieszko, Jarosław Legierski, pages 925 – 932. Show abstract -
Requirements for IMS services and applications over interoperable broadband Public Protection & Disaster Relief Networks and Commercial Communication Networks
241 Control of networks, Heterogeneous cellular networks, Innovative network applications, systems and services, Service delivery platforms - architecture and applications, The applications of intelligent techniques in network systems, Wireless communications Henryk Gierszal, Anna Stachowicz, Filip Majerowski, Bartłomiej Kowalczyk, Michał Goryński, Vassilis Kassouras, Spase Dracul, pages 933 – 940. Show abstract -
Throughput Improvement by Adjusting RTS Transmission Range for W-LAN Ad Hoc Network
437 Mobile communications, Tools, technologies, platforms and infrastructure for mobile networks and applic Akihisa Matoba, Masaki Hanada, Moo Wan Kim, pages 941 – 946. Show abstract -
The procedure for monitoring and maintaining a network of distributed resources
159 Control of networks, Network traffic engineering, The applications of intelligent techniques in network systems Tomasz Malinowski, Artur Arciuch, pages 947 – 954. Show abstract -
Anonymization of data sets from Service Delivery Platforms
177 Architecture, scalability and security of Open API solutions, Service delivery platforms - architecture and applications, Telecommunication operators API exposition in Telco 2.0 model Radosław Naumiuk, Jarosław Legierski, pages 955 – 960. Show abstract -
MonSamp: an SDN Application for QoS Monitoring
175 Architectures, functions, interfaces and protocols for efficient management and, Quality of Network: QoS/QoE supported by SDN, SDN Testing, Simulation and Debugging Daniel Raumer, Lukas Schwaighofer, Georg Carle, pages 961 – 968. Show abstract -
POI Explorer – A Sonified Mobile Application Aiding the Visually Impaired in Urban Navigation
293 Mobile devices and technologies for disabled people Piotr Skulimowski, Piotr Korbel, Piotr Wawrzyniak, pages 969 – 976. Show abstract -
Characterizing webpage load from the perspective of TCP connections
104 Network traffic engineering, Traffic classification algorithms and techniques Luis Miguel Torres, Eduardo Magaña, Mikel Izal, Daniel Morato, pages 977 – 984. Show abstract
3rd International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Networks Review
85 WSN life-time/energy requirements/energy harvesting Saba Akbari, pages 987 – 992. Show abstract -
Lifetime and Reliability Evaluation Models based on the Nearest Closer Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
443 J-Sim; Nearest Closer; Evaluation Model Ning Cao, Russell Higgs, Gregory M. P. O’Hare, Rui Wu, pages 993 – 1000. Show abstract -
Universal Synchronization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks—``FUSA algorithm''
270 Applications and Programming of Sensor Network – SW, Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Network, Environment monitoring Michal Chovanec, Jana Púchyová, Martin Hudik, Michal Kochláň, pages 1001 – 1007. Show abstract -
A hybrid indoor localization solution using a generic architectural framework for sparse distributed wireless sensor networks
20 Health-care, Home automation, Security systems and Surveillance, Transportation & Infrastructure Tom Van Haute, Jen Rossey, Pieter Becue, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, Piet Demeester, pages 1009 – 1015. Show abstract -
Wireless Sensor Network – Value Added Subsystem of ITS Communication Platform
370 Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Network, Communication/Standardization of communication protocols, Distributed data processing, Distribution and auto-localization of sensor network components, Transportation & Infrastructure Ján Kapitulík, Juraj Miček, Matus Jurecka, Michal Hodoň, pages 1017 – 1022. Show abstract -
WSN for Traffic Monitoring using Raspberry Pi Board
310 Transportation & Infrastructure Michal Kochláň, Michal Hodoň, Lukáš Čechovič, Ján Kapitulík, Matus Jurecka, pages 1023 – 1026. Show abstract -
2.4GHz ISM Band Radio Frequency Signal Indoor Propagation
299 Other interesting applications Michal Kochláň, Juraj Miček, Peter Ševčík, pages 1027 – 1034. Show abstract -
Mixed-Mode Wireless Indoor Positioning System Using Proximity Detection and Database Correlation
328 Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Network, Distribution and auto-localization of sensor network components, Health-care, Other interesting applications Piotr Korbel, Piotr Wawrzyniak, Piotr Skulimowski, Paweł Poryzała, pages 1035 – 1042. Show abstract -
Tool-supported Requirements-based Topology Design for Wireless Sensor Networks
210 Modelling and Simulation of WSN behaviour Stefan Lange, Jürgen Lösche, Krzysztof Piotrowski, pages 1043 – 1047. Show abstract -
An Energy Conservative Wireless Sensor Network Model for Object Tracking
221 Applications and Programming of Sensor Network – SW, Environment monitoring, Modelling and Simulation of WSN behaviour, WSN life-time/energy requirements/energy harvesting Gokcer Peynirci, Ilker Korkmaz, Muharrem Gurgen, pages 1049 – 1057. Show abstract -
Power aware MOM for telemetry-oriented applications using GPRS-enabled embedded devices – levee monitoring use case
252 Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Network, Communication/Standardization of communication protocols, Other interesting applications Tomasz Szydlo, Piotr Nawrocki, Robert Brzoza-Woch, Krzysztof Zielinski, pages 1059 – 1064. Show abstract -
A low power Wireless Sensor Node with Vibration Sensing and Energy Harvesting capability
246 Sensor Circuits and Sensor devices – HW, WSN life-time/energy requirements/energy harvesting Mateusz Zieliński, Fabien Mieyeville, David Navarro, Olivier Bareille, pages 1065 – 1071. Show abstract -
Carrier sense range effect on performances of multipath routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
436 Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Network, Reliability, Services, QoS and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks Ismail Bennis, Hacene Fouchal, Ouadoudi Zytoune, Driss Aboutajdine, pages 1073 – 1078. Show abstract -
Switched-Beam Antenna for WSN Nodes Enabling Hardware-driven Power Saving
82 Other interesting applications, Sensor Circuits and Sensor devices – HW, WSN life-time/energy requirements/energy harvesting Luca Catarinucci, Sergio Guglielmi, Riccardo Colella, Luciano Tarricone, pages 1079 – 1086. Show abstract
Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
5th International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
Selected Aspects of Temporal Knowledge Engineering
290 Advanced technologies of data processing, content processing and information ind, Decision support Maria Mach-Król, Krzysztof Michalik, pages 1091 – 1096. Show abstract -
A note on BPMN Analysis. Towards a Taxonomy of Selected Potential Anomalies
185 Business Analytics Anna Mroczek, Antoni Ligęza, pages 1097 – 1102. Show abstract -
Towards an Understanding Business Intelligence. A Dynamic Capability-Based Framework for Business Intelligence
68 Business Analytics, Business Intelligence Celina M. Olszak, pages 1103 – 1110. Show abstract -
Using parameter optimization to calibrate a model of user interaction
123 Business Analytics, Decision support Bernd Pfitzinger, Tommy Baumann, Dragan Maćoš, Thomas Jestädt, pages 1111 – 1116. Show abstract -
Hybrid framework for investment project portfolio selection
347 Decision support, Information forensics and security, information management, risk assessment and , Knowledge Management (for better Decision Support, Collaboration and Competitive Bogdan Rębiasz, Iwona Skalna, Bartłomiej Gaweł, pages 1117 – 1122. Show abstract -
Analysis of Aggregated Bot and Human Traffic on E-Commerce Site
346 Business Analytics, ICT technologies in enterprise management Grażyna Suchacka, pages 1123 – 1130. Show abstract
12th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management
Towards Semantic-based Process-oriented Control in Digital Home
317 Tatiana Atanasova, pages 1133 – 1137. Show abstract -
Implementation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in academic laboratories
213 Cloud computing, SOA, Web services, Strategies and methodologies of IT implementation Pawel Chrobak, pages 1139 – 1146. Show abstract -
Multi-criteria Evaluation of the Intelligent Dashboard for SME Managers based on Scorecard Framework
388 Business Intelligence methods and tools Mirosław Dyczkowski, Jerzy Korczak, Helena Dudycz, pages 1147 – 1155. Show abstract -
Identification of the knowledge conflicts’ sources in the architecture of cognitive agents supporting decisions-making process
102 Agent-based systems, Decision Support Systems and data mining Marcin Hernes, Jadwiga Sobieska-Karpińska, pages 1157 – 1162. Show abstract -
On Winners and Losers in Procurement Auctions
271 Concepts and methods of business informatics, Decision Support Systems and data mining, Management Information Systems (MIS) Grzegorz Kersten, Tomasz Wachowicz, pages 1163 – 1170. Show abstract -
Performance evaluation of decision-making agents’ in the multi-agent system
188 Agent-based systems, Decision Support Systems and data mining Jerzy Korczak, Marcin Hernes, Maciej Bac, pages 1171 – 1180. Show abstract -
Critical Success Factors for ERP Projects in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – The Perspective of Selected German SMEs
243 Enterprise information systems (ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.) Christian Leyh, pages 1181 – 1190. Show abstract -
Algorithms for Automating Task Delegation in Project Management
426 IT projects & IT projects management Bogdan Pop, Florian Boian, pages 1191 – 1196. Show abstract -
Development of the Organizational Agility Maturity Model
79 Concepts and methods of business informatics Roy Wendler, pages 1197 – 1206. Show abstract -
Comparison of architectures for service management in IoT and sensor networks by means of OSGi and REST services
324 Cloud computing, SOA, Web services, Strategies and methodologies of IT implementation Daniel Wilusz, Jarogniew Rykowski, pages 1207 – 1214. Show abstract
9th Conference on Information Systems Management
Towards a Comprehensive Model for E-Government Adoption and Utilisation Analysis: The Case of Saudi Arabia
146 Controlling and monitoring information systems, Coordinating information systems, Effectiveness of information systems, Efficiency of information systems, IT governance, Planning and organizing information systems Saleh Alghamdi, Natalia Beloff, pages 1217 – 1225. Show abstract -
The Application of a Conversion Method in a Confrontational Pattern-Based Design Method Used for the Evaluation of IT Systems
198 Assessing business value of information systems, Business Process Management in project management Witold Chmielarz, Marek Zborowski, pages 1227 – 1234. Show abstract -
Semantic Organization of Information Resources for Supporting the Work of Academic Staff
320 Planning and organizing information systems, User-oriented project management methods Ilona Pawełoszek, pages 1235 – 1241. Show abstract -
Barriers in Creating Regional Business Spatial Community
264 Cloud computing for information systems management, Coordinating information systems, Planning and organizing information systems Tomasz Turek, Dorota Jelonek, Cezary Stępniak, pages 1243 – 1250. Show abstract -
Identification of mental barriers in the implementation of cloud computing in the SMEs in Poland
314 Cloud computing for information systems management, Planning and organizing information systems Tomasz Turek, Dorota Jelonek, Cezary Stępniak, Leszek Ziora, pages 1251 – 1258. Show abstract -
Assessing the quality of e-government portals – the Polish experience
121 Coordinating information systems, Planning and organizing information systems Ewa Ziemba, Tomasz Papaj, Danuta Descours, pages 1259 – 1267. Show abstract -
Investigation of the COBIT Framework Input/Output Relationships by Using Graph Metrics
178 Effectiveness of information systems, Efficiency of information systems, IT governance, Planning and organizing information systems Mesut Ateşer, Özgür Tanrıöver, pages 1269 – 1275. Show abstract -
Acquiring a Digital Audience for Theaters – Looking Through The Lenses of Customer Equity and Empirical Research
184 Achieving alignment of business and information technology, Assessing business value of information systems Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor, Paweł Kossecki, pages 1277 – 1284. Show abstract
3rd Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
Task Assignments in Logistics by Adaptive Multi-Criterion Evolutionary Algorithm with Elitist Selection
309 Artificial intelligence systems and decision support systems in logistics Jerzy Balicki, pages 1287 – 1291. Show abstract -
Using UAVs for Remote Study of ice in the Arctic with a View to Laying the Optimal Route Vessel
226 Optimization of logistics processes: optimal vehicle routing and management, bou Dmitriy Fedin, Alexey Lagunov, Anatoliy Tyagunin, pages 1293 – 1299. Show abstract -
Visual enhancement of service maps in logistics clouds
360 Innovations in information systems supporting logistics and its management, WMS, Logistics process modeling, including influence of warehouse automatic Michael Glöckner, Björn Schwarzbach, Andreas Barton, André Ludwig, Bogdan Franczyk, pages 1301 – 1310. Show abstract -
Modeling enablers for sustainable logistics collaboration integrating - Canadian and Polish perspectives
90 Environmental protection (for example carbon-aware transportation) Katarzyna Grzybowska, Anjali Awasthi, Mohammad Hussain, pages 1311 – 1319. Show abstract -
Sustainable Supply Chain - Supporting Tools
75 Environmental protection (for example carbon-aware transportation) Katarzyna Grzybowska, Gábor Kovács, pages 1321 – 1329. Show abstract -
Adaptive scheduling in dynamic environments
357 Optimization of logistics processes: day-to-day dynamic traffic assignment model, Optimization of logistics processes: optimal vehicle routing and management, bou, Quality management algorithms and methods Hanno Hildmann, Miquel Martin, pages 1331 – 1336. Show abstract -
Information System Framework Architecture for Organization Agnostic Logistics Utilizing Standardized IoT Technologies
364 Dimitris Karadimas, Elias Polytarchos, Kyriakos Stefanidis, John Gialelis, pages 1337 – 1343. Show abstract -
A hybrid CP/MP approach to supply chain modelling, optimization and analysis
89 Artificial intelligence systems and decision support systems in logistics, Environmental protection (for example carbon-aware transportation), Optimization of logistics processes: optimal vehicle routing and management, bou Paweł Sitek, pages 1345 – 1352. Show abstract -
Road Vehicles Identification and Positioning System
201 Innovative technologies in warehouse management: RFID, Voice Picking, Image Reco Cemil Sungur, Hacı Bekir Gökgündüz, Adem Alpaslan Altun, pages 1353 – 1359. Show abstract
20th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management & 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management
CKD: a Cooperative Knowledge Discovery Model for Design Project
277 Knowledge management for design, innovation and eco-innovation process, Knowledge representation models, Methods and tools for knowledge acquisition Xinghang Dai, Nada Matta, Guillaume Ducellier, pages 1363 – 1369. Show abstract -
Social media and emotions in organisational knowledge creation
39 Knowledge creation and validation, Knowledge grid and social networks Harri Jalonen, pages 1371 – 1379. Show abstract -
Application of selected classification schemes for fault diagnosis of actuator systems
158 Business Intelligence environment for supporting knowledge management, Knowledge discovery from databases and data warehouses, Knowledge dynamics and machine learning, Knowledge engineering and software engineering, Knowledge representation models, Methods and tools for knowledge acquisition Mateusz Kalisch, Piotr Przystałka, Anna Timofiejczuk, pages 1381 – 1390. Show abstract -
Intelligent Association Rules for Innovative SME Collaboration
289 Management of the innovation and eco-innovation process Gulgun Kayakutlu, Irem Duzdar, Eunika Mercier-Laurent, pages 1391 – 1396. Show abstract -
Danger Theory-based Privacy Protection Model for Social Networks
129 Nai-Wei Lo, Alexander Yohan, pages 1397 – 1406. Show abstract -
Knowledge extraction from professional e-mails
161 Knowledge engineering and software engineering Nada Matta, Hassan Atifi, François Rauscher, pages 1407 – 1414. Show abstract -
Knowledge Portal for Exclusion Process Services
193 Distance learning and knowledge sharing, Knowledge creation and validation, Knowledge grid and social networks, Knowledge management for design, innovation and eco-innovation process Krzysztof Hauke, Mieczysław Owoc, Maciej Pondel, pages 1415 – 1420. Show abstract -
Data Warehouse as a Source of Knowledge Acquisition. An Empirical Study
163 Knowledge discovery from databases and data warehouses, Methods and tools for knowledge acquisition Mieczysław Owoc, Mohammad Alsqour, Abdulrhman Ahmed, pages 1421 – 1430. Show abstract -
Knowledge Sharing in Distributed Agile Projects: Techniques, Strategies and Challenges
280 Distance learning and knowledge sharing, Knowledge engineering and software engineering, Knowledge managers and workers Mohammad Abdur Razzak, Rajib Ahmed, pages 1431 – 1440. Show abstract -
Information security in IT global sourcing models
44 Methods and tools for knowledge acquisition Małgorzata Sobińska, Kazimierz Perechuda, pages 1441 – 1447. Show abstract
4th Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
1st International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation
Opening Pandora's box: Some Insight into the Inner Workings of an Agent Based Simulation Environment
335 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS), Agent-based simulation techniques and methodologies, MAS simulation toolkits and frameworks, Scalability in agent-based simulation Daniel Dawson, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Tuong Manh Vu, pages 1453 – 1460. Show abstract -
Improving the Social Capital of Trust-based Competitive Multi-Agent Systems by Introducing Meritocracy
81 Antonello Comi, Lidia Fotia, Domenico Rosaci, pages 1461 – 1466. Show abstract -
Common and Domain-specific Metamodel Elements for Problem Description in Simulation Problems
298 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS), Agent-based simulation techniques and methodologies Valeria Seidita, Patrizia Ribino, Carmelo Lodato, Salvatore Lopes, Massimo Cossentino, pages 1467 – 1476. Show abstract -
Stigmergic MASA: A Stigmergy Based Algorithm for Multi-Target Search
395 Agent-based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS), Agent-based simulation techniques and methodologies Ouarda Zedadra, Nicolas Jouandeau, Hamid Seridi, Giancarlo Fortino, pages 1477 – 1485. Show abstract
3rd International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks & Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-Agent-based Distributed Optimization for Demand-Side-Management Applications
251 Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks, Distributed planning process for energy networks by using MAS, Self-configuring or self-healing energy systems Tim Dethlefs, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz, pages 1489 – 1496. Show abstract -
Overview of Research Challenges towards Smart Grid Quality by Design
318 Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks, Simulations of Smart Energy Networks David Gešvindr, Barbora Buhnova, Jan Rosecky, pages 1497 – 1504. Show abstract -
Conjoint Dynamic Aggregation and Scheduling Methods for Dynamic Virtual Power Plants
76 Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks, Load modelling and control with MAS, Management of distributed generation and storage, Self-configuring or self-healing energy systems Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Beer, Jörg Bremer, Christian Hinrichs, Ontje Lünsdorf, Michael Sonnenschein, pages 1505 – 1514. Show abstract -
El Farol Bar problem, Potluck problem and electric energy balancing - on the importance of communication
215 Experiences of Smart Grid implementations by using MAS, Islands Power Systems, Microgrid Applications , Management of distributed generation and storage Weronika Radziszewska, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Zbigniew Nahorski, pages 1515 – 1523. Show abstract -
Don't step on the Distribution's Tail (Investigating the impact of random fluctuations on efficient resource utilization)
354 Load modelling and control with MAS, Real time configurations of energy networks, Simulations of Smart Energy Networks, Stability in Energy Networks Fabrice Saffre, Hanno Hildmann, pages 1525 – 1527. Show abstract -
Synthesised Constraint Models for Distributed Energy Management
49 Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks, Distributed planning process for energy networks by using MAS, Management of distributed generation and storage Alexander Schiendorfer, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Wolfgang Reif, pages 1529 – 1538. Show abstract -
A New Intrusion Prevention System for Protecting Smart Grids from ICMPv6 Vulnerabilities
287 Real time configurations of energy networks, Self-configuring or self-healing energy systems, Software Tools for Smart Energy Networks Manali Chakraborty, Nabendu Chaki, Agostino Cortesi, pages 1539 – 1547. Show abstract
Software Systems Development & Applications
5th International Workshop Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation
Tool for Automatic Testing of Web Services
93 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Ilona Bluemke, Michał Kurek, Małgorzata Purwin, pages 1553 – 1558. Show abstract -
Handling Conflicts to Test Transport Protocol's Parallel Routing on a Vehicle Gateway System
73 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Hassan Mohammad, Muhammad Shamoon Saleem, pages 1559 – 1568. Show abstract -
Automating Acceptance Testing with tool support
342 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Tomasz Straszak, Michał Smiałek, pages 1569 – 1574. Show abstract -
Abstractions on Test Design Techniques
316 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Marc-Florian Wendland, pages 1575 – 1584. Show abstract -
Automating Test Case Design within the Classification Tree Editor
263 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Ute Zeppetzauer, Peter M. Kruse, pages 1585 – 1590. Show abstract -
A Comparison of Three Black-Box Optimization Approaches for Model-Based Testing
152 Techniques and tools for automating test case design Teemu Kanstren, Marsha Chechik, pages 1591 – 1598. Show abstract
3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development
Grammar-Based Model Transformations
144 M2M, M2T, and M2C Transformations in Software Process, Model Transformation Languages, Transformation Techniques and Tools Galina Besova, Dominik Steenken, Heike Wehrheim, pages 1601 – 1610. Show abstract -
Extended Entity-Relationship Approach in a Multi-Paradigm Information System Modeling Tool
239 Design of Metamodeling and Modeling Languages and Tools, DSLs and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) in System Specification and Development, M2M, M2T, and M2C Transformations in Software Process, MD Approaches in Databases and Information Systems, Metamodeling, Modeling and Specification Languages Vladimir Dimitrieski, Milan Ćelikovič, Slavica Aleksic, Sonja Ristić, Ivan Luković, pages 1611 – 1620. Show abstract -
Stormgen - A Domain specific language to create ad-hoc Storm Topologies
278 Design of Metamodeling and Modeling Languages and Tools K Chandrasekaran, Siddharth Santurkar, Abhishek Arora, pages 1621 – 1628. Show abstract -
Study of Interoperability between Meta-Modeling Tools
255 Design of Metamodeling and Modeling Languages and Tools Heiko Kern, pages 1629 – 1637. Show abstract -
Alvis Virtual Machine
267 Design of Metamodeling and Modeling Languages and Tools, Metamodeling, Modeling and Specification Languages, Model Based Software Verification Piotr Matyasik, pages 1639 – 1645. Show abstract -
Pragmatic Model-Driven Software Development from the Viewpoint of a Programmer: Teaching Experience
266 Teaching MD Approaches in Academic and Industrial Environments Jaroslav Porubän, Michaela Bačíková, Sergej Chodarev, Milan Nosáľ, pages 1647 – 1656. Show abstract -
MuSCa: A Multiscale Characterization Framework for Complex Distributed Systems
131 Metamodeling, Modeling and Specification Languages Sam Rottenberg, Sébastien Leriche, Chantal Taconet, Claire Lecocq, Thierry Desprats, pages 1657 – 1665. Show abstract -
Efficient Description and Cache Performance in Aspect-Oriented User Interface Design
244 MD Applications and Industry Experience, MD Approaches in Databases and Information Systems, MD Approaches in System Design and Implementation – Problems and Issues Tomáš Černý, Miroslav Macik, Michael J. Donahoo, Jan Janousek, pages 1667 – 1676. Show abstract
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